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以下是CFG文件:注:请将第二行改为你自己的灵敏度!alias startsmoke "sensitivity 1.000000;m_yaw 0.022;";alias stopsmoke "sensitivity 你目前的纵向灵敏度 ;m_yaw 你目前的横向灵敏度;";alias angle1 "yaw 1873.3062 1 1;pitch -1936.180818 1 1;"; //VIP1alias angle2 "yaw -2422.0009 1 1;pitch -1382.0507

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How can I recover my account’s password?

You can retrieve your account password using the recovery options provided on the Login page. Instructions for password recovery will be sent to your registered email.rain.gg

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How to create a battle?

Click “Create Battle”Pick cases for the battleChoose the number of players (2 to 6). It’s possible to play a team battle (2vs2)(3v3) in which the winning team divides the winnings equally. Choose the game mode: Normal, Shared, CrazyClick “Create

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How can I invite someone to join the case battle?

You can share the battle link to another user by simply sending the battle url.

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How Can I contact you?

You can contact us by email support@rain.gg or send a direct message on Twitter or opening Live Chat On-Site.For partnerships, please email us at partners@rain.gg

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How do I self exclude?

RainGG is committed to providing a safe environment. We now offer the option to self-impose a ban for a chosen period, which cannot be reversed by staff. For a permanent site ban, please contact our live support.

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What are daily cases?

It’s a Rain.gg loyalty reward system created to reward loyal customers. You can claim a daily case every 24 hours. The reward is based on your Rain.GG rewards rank.

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What happens if a user uses someone else’s promo code?

A User switches to a new affiliate partner by using the referral link or promo code of another affiliate, therefore becoming a referral for the new affiliate.rain.gg