

Baggage - Gun Game

-行李仓库 - 军备竞赛模式

Advance through guns on each kill.  First player to 22 points wins.

-每次击杀获得武器升级. 第一个达到22分的玩家获胜.


Vietnam - Gun Game

-山林小寨 - 军备竞赛模式

Advance through guns on each kill.  First player to 22 points wins.

-每次击杀获得武器升级. 第一个达到22分的玩家获胜.


Italy - Hostage Rescue

-意大利小镇 - 人质解救模式

Counter-Terrorists: Navigate your way around the Italian city and get those Hostages from the foreign Terrorists.

-反恐精英: 在意大利城市中搜寻,从他国恐怖分子手中解救人质.

Terrorists: Prevent the Counter-Terrorists from rescuing the Hostages or eliminate the Counter-Terrorists.

-恐怖分子: 阻止反恐精英营救人质或消灭反恐精英.


The Office Complex - Hostage Rescue

-办公室 - 人质解救模式

Counter-Terrorists: Enter the office building and rescue the hostages. 

Take out the Terrorists without jeopardizing the hostages.

-反恐精英: 进入办公室营救人质.


Terrorists: Prevent Counter-Terrorist force from rescuing the hostages. 

-恐怖分子: 阻止反恐精英营救人质.

Other Notes: There are 4 hostages in this mission.

-其他事项: 此任务中有四名人质.

Credits: Source Version by Turtle Rock Studios

-贡献: 源码包来自Turtle Rock工作室

Original Version by Hobbit

-Hobbit 原创


Dust II - Bomb-Defuse

-炙热沙城II - 炸弹拆除模式

Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists from bombing chemical weapon crates. 

Team members must defuse any bombs that threaten targeted areas.

-反恐精英: 阻止恐怖分子轰炸化学武器箱.


Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the C4 must destroy one of the chemical weapon stashes. 

-恐怖分子: 携带C4的恐怖分子必须摧毁其中一处化学武器藏匿处.

Other Notes: There are 2 chemical weapon stashes in the mission.

-其他事项: 任务中有两处化学武器藏匿处.


Inferno - Bomb/Defuse

-炼狱小镇 - 炸弹拆除模式

Counter-Terrorists: Prevent the terrorists from destroying either one of the bomb targets.

-反恐精英: 防止恐怖分子摧毁任何一处爆破点.

Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the C4 must destroy one of the bomb targets.

-恐怖分子: 携带C4的恐怖分子必须摧毁其中一处爆破点.

Other Notes: There are 2 bomb sites in this mission.

-其他事项: 任务中有两处爆破点.

Credits: Source Version by Turtle Rock Studios

-贡献: 源码包来自Turtle Rock工作室

Original version by Chris Auty (Barney)

-Chris Auty (Barney) 原创


Nuke - Bomb/Defuse

-核子危机 - 炸弹拆除模式

Counter-Terrorists: A silent alarm hasbeen tripped by the guard shack at the MAC Nuclear Power Plant. 

We will enter from the back side of the plant and secure the area.

-反恐精英: MAC核电站的警卫室发出无声警报.


Terrorists: Our target is a recentlydecomissioned nuclear power plant that still contains spent fuel rods. 

Security is at an all time low since the plant's closure and the fuel rods are scheduled for removal next week. 

Plant the C4 in the fuel rod room, or the room directly above it to destroy the cooling pools and melt down the reactor.

-恐怖分子: 我们的目标是一座最近退役的核电站,里面仍然有乏燃料棒.



Other Notes: There are 2 bomb targets in the mission.

-其他事项: 任务中有两处爆破点.


Source Version by Turtle Rock Studios

-贡献: 源码包来自Turtle Rock工作室

Original Version by Jo Bieg

-Jo Bieg 原创


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