How To Get Into The Gaming Industry With No Experience?

To get into the gaming industry, you need experience. To get experience, you need to get into the gaming industry. One of the most common problems with people passionate about video games trying to get into the gaming industry.

But is that really that big of a problem? To help you with that, here is our take on how to get into the gaming industry without experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Identify your skill set: To get into the gaming industry, you need to offer valuable skills that people would pay money for. You don’t necessarily need experience, but you must know how to do something related to gaming that other people don’t, so people that need you to do that can hire you and pay you for it.
  • Build a portfolio: Once you have acquired a skill, you need to be able to showcase it. Building a portfolio of work you can do can make it easier for recruiters to quickly look at your work and determine if you’re a good fit for their organization. Completing at least two projects is recommended.
  • Leverage your passion for gaming: Passion for video games is a valuable selling point in the gaming industry. A person who is passionate about video games knows what makes a video game fun to play, which is what the goal of any video game developer is. Therefore, leverage your passion for gaming to show recruiters that you understand what makes a good game and that you have the potential to bring that expertise to the industry.

Figure Out What Your Skills Are

If you want to get into the gaming industry, you need to be able to provide a valuable service that people would pay money for. You can’t expect someone to pay you for not doing anything. You need to have some skills to get into the gaming industry.

That doesn’t necessarily mean gaining experience. However, you must know how to do something related to gaming that other people don’t, so people that need you to do that can hire you and pay you for it.

There are several skills required in the gaming industry, including voice acting, sound engineering, animation, programming, video game testing, professional gaming, and writing. The best part about these skills is that you don’t have to spend years learning them, except for professional gaming.

To start, identify which one of these skills interests you the most. If you know how to code, you can get into video game programming. If you are a digital artist, you can get into animation. If you are good at playing video games, you can get into professional gaming.

Build A Portfolio

Once you have acquired a skill, you need to be able to showcase it. When you apply for a position in the gaming industry, recruiters won’t immediately ask you to create a sample for them.

A recruiter has to go through tons of applications. They need a way to quickly look at the work that a potential employee is capable of doing. To make their life easier, you have to create a portfolio of work you can do. We recommend that you complete at least two projects.

For example, if you want to get hired as an animator, create a few animations. Or, if you want to get hired as a programmer, program a few simple games. If you want to become a voice actor, create a few samples of voice acting.

Leverage Your Passion For Gaming

If you wish to get into the gaming industry without experience, you have to leverage one of your most valuable selling points, which is your passion for video games. If you can express your passion for gaming, the chances of you getting hired will be much higher.

The thing is, a person who is passionate about video games has one massive edge in the gaming industry over a professional voice actor or programmer. A person who is passionate about gaming knows what makes a video game fun to play, which is precisely what the goal of any video game developer is.

If you have been playing video games for a while now, you might have noticed that your opinion usually resonates with the gaming community. When you are passionate about gaming and play video games every day, you get good at identifying which game is fun, which is extremely valuable in the gaming industry.


First, you need to identify your skill set. You must have a skill that employers can pay you for. After that, you need to build a portfolio to showcase your skills. Finally, leverage your passion for video games because it is valuable in the gaming industry.


What skills are required to get into the gaming industry?

Several skills are required in the gaming industry, including voice acting, sound engineering, animation, programming, video game testing, professional gaming, and writing.

Do I need the experience to get into the gaming industry?

While experience can be beneficial, getting into the gaming industry is only sometimes necessary. You need to have skills that employers are willing to pay for.

How can I showcase my skills to potential employers in the gaming industry?

You can create a portfolio of your work that showcases your skills to potential employers. Completing at least two projects is recommended.

Is passion for gaming important when trying to get into the gaming industry?

Yes, passion for gaming is a valuable selling point in the gaming industry. A person passionate about video games knows what makes a video game fun to play, which is the goal of any video game developer.

Can I get into the gaming industry as a professional gamer?

Yes, getting into the gaming industry as a professional gamer is possible. You can compete in tournaments and leagues to gain recognition and attract potential employers.

How do I choose which skill to focus on in the gaming industry?

It would help if you focused on the skill that interests you the most and that you have some knowledge of. For example, if you know how to code, you can get into video game programming.

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