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【csgo/cs2】皮肤评测日志EP.69 车王

UMP45 车王UMP45 Grand Prix品质 受限发布时间 2015.4.15所属收藏品 幻彩2号收藏品皮肤风格 多色电镀存世量(以专栏发布日期为准)82.3w+普通 68.6wStatTrak 13.7wStatTrak √ 纪念品 ×除购买外获取方式普通-开启幻彩2号武器箱有相对较高概率获得,或通过炼金炸炉获取StatTrak-同上,获得概率为普通的10%磨损区间 0.25-0.35推荐磨损 随意官方描述这把武器使用老式的赛车图案进行了自定义涂装官方文案别忘了戴上头盔官方介绍笑点解析

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5 Key Mechanics of Deadlock Every Player Should Know

In the world of gaming, there's always room to learn new mechanics. Here are five key Deadlock mechanics that can significantly increase your chances of victory.

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Top 5 mods in CS2

In this article, we’ll explore some of the top mods in CS2 and how they can help make the game truly your own.

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How to master Pistol Rounds in CS2

This guide covers essential strategies, from weapon and utility choices to positioning and teamwork, to help you consistently win pistol rounds in CS2 and gain early control of the game.

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【cs2】皮肤评测日志EP.70 致命站点

SSG08 致命站点SSG08 Rapid Transit品质 受限发布时间 2024.10.3所属收藏品 画廊收藏品皮肤风格 枪匠存世量(以专栏发布日期为准) 1120普通 997 崭新 87StatTrak 123 崭新 11StatTrak √ 纪念品 ×除购买外获取方式普通-开启画廊武器箱有相对较高概率获取,或通过炼金获取StatTrak-同上,获取概率为普通的10%磨损区间 0.00-0.75推荐磨损 0.11-0.35官方描述 这款定制涂装围绕《反恐精英》地图设计了虚构的交通线路图官

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Top 10 Counter-Strike Maps We Are Nostalgic For in CS2

We’ve compiled a list of 10 Counter-Strike maps from CS 1.6 that, despite the passage of time, continue to resonate with players.

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Understanding Tick Rate in CS2

This article will explain CS2 tick rate, the subtick system, and how these impact your gameplay in CS2.

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CSGORoll's 550,000 Halloween Giveaway

This Halloween, we're giving away 550,000 free coins on CSGORoll! Enter our Jackpots, Leaderboards, Team Challenges and more to win.

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How Does VAC Work and Why Are There So Many Cheaters in CS2?

In this article, we’ll explore how VAC works, and why are cheats still prevalent in CS2.