How much do M0nesy, Donk, and Zywoo earn?
Analyst Mauisnake has estimated the salaries of pro players in top clubs. In most cases, he used insider information and his own assessments. Read on to know how much do CS2 esports players earn.
Analyst Mauisnake has estimated the salaries of pro players in top clubs. In most cases, he used insider information and his own assessments. Read on to know how much do CS2 esports players earn.
Every 24 hours, we're giving away 10,000 free coins on CSGORoll with our daily leaderboard! Learn how you can place on our leaderboard to win.
One of the most impressive drops from this case was a red M4A4 with a roaring wolf on its body. Today, you will learn the history and scandal behind the most expensive and popular M4 in CS2.
Meta description: FACEIT representatives have announced the third season of CS2 Matchmaking on the platform. It will run from July 4 to November 10.
American esports player Nick "nitr0" Cannella has joined the NRG Esports CS2 roster. The club shared this information on their social media.
Have you ever wondered which skin appeared first? We don't mean the first one created, but which CS skin first landed in the hands of players. Let’s discover it together!
This comprehensive starter CS2 guide aims to help new players get acquainted with the game, understand its core elements, and develop strategies for success.
G2 found a new captain in just one day. Snax, who previously played for GamerLegion, returns to the top level.
CS2 Clutching is a crucial skill in a game, where a single player faces off against multiple opponents. Here are some tips to help you become a clutch master in CS2.
In CS2, effective inventory management is crucial. This article will explore what CS2 storage is, its benefits, and how to use CS2 storage to keep your collection organized and accessible.