CS2更新说明 2024年8月9日

小型更新  大小:720.77M

[ 游戏玩法 ]

  • 在休闲模式中,玩家在每回合对敌人造成伤害时将获得额外的XP分数点。

  • 添加了服务器设置“sv_vote_to_changelevel_rndmin”,以控制允许投票更改地图的回合/时间。

  • 休闲模式的官方游戏服务器现在仅允许在比赛结束或比赛的第一回合进行地图更改投票。

  • 死斗和军备竞赛模式的官方游戏服务器现在仅允许在比赛结束或比赛的第一分钟进行地图更改投票。

  • 限制了队友在玩家头上时,玩家的向上移动。

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  • 死亡的玩家不再允许拾取地面武器。

  • 如果打开了切换队伍菜单,购买菜单将自动关闭。

  • 营救人质现在会增加比赛统计数据中的目标计数。

[ 用户界面 ]

  • 改善了回合结束后的伤害报告的可读性。

  • 增强了观察目标的高亮显示。

  • 当迷你记分板展开时,玩家名字现在在迷你记分板上可见。

[ 地图 ]

  • Mills:更新到社区工作坊的最新版本(更新说明)。

  • Assembly:更新到社区工作坊的最新版本(更新说明)。

另外 传钥匙链即将加入CS2

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Release Notes for 8/8/2024


  • In Casual game mode players will earn an additional XP score point for every round in which they dealt damage to enemies.

  • Added a server setting "sv_vote_to_changelevel_rndmin" to control rounds/time during which voting for a level change is allowed.

  • Official game servers in Casual game mode now allow voting for a level change only at the end of the match or during the first round of the match.

  • Official game servers in Deathmatch and Arms Race game modes now allow voting for a level change only at the end of the match or during the first minute of the match.

  • Restricted upward movement of a player when a teammate is boosted on their head.

  • Dead players are no longer allowed to pick up ground weapons.

  • Buy menu will automatically close if the switch team menu opens.

  • Rescuing a hostage now increments objectives counter in match stats.

[ UI ]

  • Improved legibility of damage given and taken in post-round damage report.

  • Made spec target highlighting more pronounced.

  • Player names are now visible on mini scoreboard whenever the mini scoreboard is expanded.

[ MAPS ]


  • Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop (Update Notes)


  • Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop (Update Notes)

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原文链接: /posts/nxEbULcz

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