The Oldest Esports Player in CS2 History

the oldest CS2 player

A member of the Iron Wolves Counter-Strike 2 roster, eastRab, has become the oldest CS2 player to ever participate in the ESEA Intermediate championship. At the time of this publication, the team's rifler is already over 72 years old.

According to eastRab, he started playing the shooter in 2016 when his son gifted him the game for Christmas. During one of his matches at the Silver 1 rank, eastRab met a group of people who set out to help him reach "Global". eastRab managed to achieve this in December 2022.

Later, his teammates invited eastRab to join Iron Wolves, which at that time was competing in ESEA Open. Due to arthritis in his left hand and wrist, eastRab was forced to change his keyboard controls. Instead of W, A, S, D for movement, the esports player uses A, S, D, F. He uses the right mouse button for crouching.

EastRab mentioned that he is well-versed in grenade throws. He jokingly described himself as an "excellent bottom fragger." "When I'm on the server, I'm not an old man with chronic pain and chronic fatigue, I'm just one of the guys. When I play, I feel alive!" eastRab shared.

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