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【CS2】更新后急停CFG 与更新前无异 可打开轮盘/菜单

下载地址:https://www.123pan.com/s/dd78jv-xD1Jh.html使用方法:在cfg文件夹内新建一个文件夹jiting将压缩包内所有cfg解压到jiting文件夹内在aotuexec.cfg(启动项)中加入exec jiting/setup重新启动游戏

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Is Niko Joining Falcons? Who Will He Replace?

It seemed like the story of Niko and Falcons had ended last fall. Read on to know is Niko joining Falcons?

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frozen's Config in CS2: Guide from Farmskins

Dive into the meticulous world of David "frozen" Čerňanský, the Slovak powerhouse of FaZe Clan, renowned for his precision and strategic gameplay in CS2. Learn from his settings and configurations to elevate your gaming prowess.

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黑神话悟空游戏整体的画风、美工、质感、攻击反馈兼职太棒了,虽然我没玩(我电脑差)这几天我看了下steam decker,准备双11看看打不打折;希望这类高质量国产游戏更多地出现,真正地实现文化输出。 许多玩家在体验《黑神话:悟空》时,时常遇到卡顿和掉帧问题,这极大地影响了游戏的流畅性。使用优化工具可以显著提升游戏的性能,这些工具能够自动检测系统配置并提供个性化的优化方案,使显卡设置达到最佳状态。此外,优化工具还可以根据玩家需求关闭景深效果或优化阴影质量,确保在视觉效果和流畅度之间取得平衡,为玩家

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Precise Grenade Throws in CS2 Without Jumpthrow

In this article, we’ll explore how to adapt to the new conditions and continue to use CS2 grenades successfully.

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Why Does Everyone Hate Vertigo in CS2?

In this article, we will explore the reasons why Vertigo map in CS2 generates so much negativity and why even numerous changes have failed to salvage its reputation.

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【CS2】压枪config 编译生成器

python代码如下:yaw1_ = 0.000000yaw2_ = -0.143000yaw3_ = 0.110000yaw4_ = -0.132000yaw5_ = -0.099000yaw6_ = 0.638000yaw7_ = 0.440000yaw8_ = 0.704000yaw9_ = -0.759000yaw10_ = -2.310000yaw11_ = -1.210000yaw12_ = 0.616000yaw13_ = -0.770000yaw14_ = -1.364000ya

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下载链接:https://www.123pan.com/s/dd78jv-OO1Jh.html以下是代码bind c "start_calc"//默认按下C键开始计时alias start_calc "play sounds/C4_Time/c4_time.vsnd_c;say_team 开始计时"//请勿重复多次点击使用方法:下载之后将文件全部放入CFG文件夹内(压缩包不要动)执行main.exe,会自动将倒计时语音解压至音频目录在启动项中添加Calc_C4.cfgCalc_C4.cfg中第一

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下载地址:https://www.123pan.com/s/dd78jv-PO1Jh.html已制作CFG编译器,自动计算,适配所有灵敏度!使用方法:解压到CFG文件夹内的movement文件夹(Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo\cfg\movement)打开creat.exe啊,输入你的灵敏度,m_yaw不知道就输入0.022,会自动计算生成对应的gun_move.cfg用create.exe生成的cfg替换掉文件夹内自带的gun_move.c

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The Biggest Moments From Week 3 Of CSGORoll's Summer Event

In week 3 of the CSGORoll summer event, we gave away a whopping 170,000 coins! Here's what you might've missed in our biggest event of the year so far.