New CS2 Update: New Maps in Counter-Strike 2!

new CS2 new update: CS2 maps

Last week, Counter-Strike celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary. The community eagerly awaited a major update for the occasion, and we finally got it. Today, we'll discuss whether a new operation has been added to CS2, why the June 26 CS2 update is significant, and what to expect in the future. New maps, a new MVP screen, and a calibration system are here.

New Maps

The highlight of the update is the addition of five new CS2 maps created by various community members. These maps are now officially available for matchmaking, eliminating the need for subscribing to the workshop or searching for private servers.

Players now enjoy more variety and can easily farm experience to earn cases and skins. This update also marks the first step towards a potential overhaul of the competitive map pool. Many maps have started in the workshop and casual matchmaking before being promoted to the main pool.

Pool Day

Pool Day CS2 map

We'll start with a map that needs no introduction. Pool Day was a legendary map in CS 1.6, where internet cafes played it for days on end. The small space, weapons scattered on the floor, and numerous open lines for firefights made it perfect for dynamic gameplay. It's no surprise that it has been added to the Arms Race mode.

Memento and Assembly

Memento and Assembly CS2 map

Wingman mode welcomes Memento and Assembly. We previously described Memento as a "picturesque map for Wingman that we'd love to see in the main game pool." Assembly is set in an aircraft assembly hangar. It's a small, vertical map, reminiscent of Overpass.

Thera and Mills

Thera and Mills CS2 map

New maps for five-on-five games include Thera and Mills. Thera is the first major project in CS2 from FMPONE, the creator of Cache. The map is set on the Greek island of Thira. Mills, created by catfood, is set in a small Dutch village and has received mixed reactions from players.

Graphics Settings Update

There was a new CS2 graphics settings section introduced. Players can now separately set the maximum fps for the game and the menu, and the game will warn if the refresh rate differs from the monitor's maximum. Additionally, there are tips for configuring G-sync, V-sync, and other Nvidia features.

Other Changes

One significant change is that players now need only two wins on a map to earn a rank in competitive mode, instead of ten. Additionally, the criteria for determining the MVP of the round have been improved, and the visual presentation of this announcement has been updated.

Where’s the Operation?

Despite the new maps and MVP update, the community was hoping for a new operation or something groundbreaking. However, it seems developers are holding back because the game might still be in a rough state. Numerous reports of issues like fps drops and a high number of cheaters in matchmaking suggest that Valve is focusing on resolving core problems.

For now, the community's expectations remain unmet, but we appreciate the CS2 update nonetheless!

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