M4A4 for $3000: New Meta in CS2 or Still Trash?

CS2 M4A4 for $3000
On the night of May 23-24, 2024, Valve released a global update for Counter-Strike 2. This update is unique in that Valve made small changes to the game's economy. It seems that Valve aims for players to eventually use all available weapons.

In this update, the developers reduced the price of the CS2 M4A4 from $3100 to $3000, thereby narrowing the price difference with its direct competitor, the M4A1-S. Now players face a dilemma: the M4A1-S is only $100 cheaper than the M4A4, so is it worth paying a bit more for the M4A4?

The main differences between the M4A4 and M4A1-S

First, let's recall the differences between these two rifles - CS2 M4A4 vs M4A1-S:

  • Price: The M4A4 costs $3000, and the M4A1-S costs $2900

  • Damage: The M4A4 deals 33 damage to the body, while the M4A1-S deals 38

  • Magazine Capacity: The M4A4 has 30 rounds, while the M4A1-S has 20

  • Recoil: The M4A4 and M4A1-S have different recoil patterns; the M4A1-S has a narrower spread

  • Rate of Fire (shots per minute): The M4A4 is 666.67, and the M4A1-S is 600.00


Everything in Counter-Strike 2 revolves around money, not just the prices of skins, but also the in-game currency that players use to purchase various types of weapons. Although Valve only reduced the price of the CS2 M4A4 skin by $100, this opens up new defensive opportunities.

Additionally, this update lowered the price of the incendiary grenade for defense from $600 to $500. Essentially, Valve has saved $200 for the defense side, which will significantly impact force-buy and rounds played with minimal funds.

With this $200, the defense side can buy an extra flashbang or save money for the next round, significantly easing the economic burden for the defense.

In the MR12 match format, the defense has little room for error. Losing the first buy round in a match means another eco or force-buy, but now things might change. Instead of speculation, it is important to watch how professional teams react to this update.

The full buy for defense now looks like this:

  • Full armor + M4A4 + HE + Flash + Incendiary + Smoke = $5300

  • Full armor + M4A1-S + HE + Flash + Incendiary + Smoke = $5200

The main difference is that now more players will prefer the M4A4 due to its larger magazine and higher rate of fire.

Situations where the M4A4 is better 

Now that we've covered the theoretical part, let's move on to the practical aspects. The M4A4 is best used for holding close positions, such as Banana on Inferno. Its rate of fire and magazine capacity allow for dealing with a larger number of opponents.

However, at long distances, the M4A1-S excels due to its easier recoil control, making it more challenging to eliminate opponents with the M4A4 at range.

Comparison of the M4A4 with the AK-47 in CS2 

Players with the M4A4 CS2 often face opponents with the AK-47. Let's compare how the M4A4 stacks up against the AK-47:

  • Price: AK-47 — $2700, M4A4 — $3000

  • Damage: AK-47 — 36, M4A4 — 33

  • Rate of Fire (shots per minute): AK-47 — 600.00, M4A4 — 666.67

  • Magazine Capacity: both have 30 rounds

  • Headshot Damage: AK-47 — 100, M4A4 — 81

The key difference is that the AK-47 kills with one headshot, whereas the M4A4 does not. However, the higher rate of fire of the M4A4 makes it a good choice against the AK-47.


This update from Valve simplifies the economy for the defense side without drastically changing the gameplay, which is good. By reducing the price of the M4A4 by $100, Valve gives it a chance to regain its former glory.

Theoretical advantages may not always prove true in practice, so only time will tell how effective this change will be and how it will affect the M4A4's meta in the game.

For now, it is worth considering the use of the CS2 M4A4, as it has been given a new lease on life. Before competitive matches, it is important to practice with the M4A4 in Aim Botz or Death Match to get reacquainted with its shooting mechanics.

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