New IEM Rio 2023 Collection: Cases by Hellcase - Hellcase Blog

We are pleased to introduce you to our new cases. You will find a case dedicated to your favorite team among them. In this article, we will explore in greater detail each unique case. Let’s get started!

What Cases Has Hellcase Created In Honor Of IEM Rio 2023?

We have prepared six fire cases with amazing skins for you in honor of IEM Rio 2023:

  • Dutch is Back
  • UnderDog
  • French Hope
  • Unfazed
  • New Era
  • Last CS Major

Each case contains incredible skins that you will want. So try your luck, get valuable skins, and use them to shine bright in the game.

Dutch is Back – Heroic

Let’s take a look at the first case from the new collection.

Dutch Is Back , the CS:GO case dedicated to Heroic, features a variety of attractive skins.It included Sticker | Heroic (Gold) | Rio 2022 , which emphasizes the theme of the case.

Also, you will find popular Desert Eagle skins in this case, including the red-and-white Code Red , Trigger Discipline , Light Rail , and Directive . Unlike a few other pistols in CS:GO, Desert Eagle is available to players of both sides in-game, meaning having a Deagle skin is absolutely necessary.

Additionally, you will find rare skins such as the M4A4 | The Battlestar , M4A1-S | Mecha Industries , M4A4 | Neo-Noir , M4A1-S | Cyrex .

UnderDog – Cloud9

What is interesting about the second case? Let’s go check it out.

We created UnderDog in honor of Cloud 9. This case features Sticker | Cloud9 (Gold) | Rio 2022 dedicated to CS:GO team of the North American esports club. And you will find many interesting skins, including several for USP-S, such as Neo-Noir, The Traitor, Kill Confirmed, Guardian, and Cortex. In addition, the case also contains skins such as M4A4 | Tooth Fairy , Glock-18 | Snack Attack , Desert Eagle | Mecha Industries , Desert Eagle | Code Red .

French Hope – Vitality

Let’s take a look at the third case from the new collection.

The following case we will discuss is French Hope , which we dedicated to Vitality. You also have a chance to obtain Sticker | Vitality (Gold) | Rio 2022 . Besides, you will find cool skins such as AK-47 | Neon Rider , AK-47 | Head Shot , AK-47 | Asiimov , and other great skins.

Unfazed – FaZe Clan

What did the fourth case bring us that was interesting? Let’s see.

Unfazed is a case specially designed for fans of FaZe. In this case, you will find Sticker | FaZe Clan (Gold) | Rio 2022 and other nice items. The case contains a variety of weapons, including M4A1-S | Mecha Industries , M4A1-S | Printstream , Desert Eagle | Printstream , M4A1-S | Cyrex , AK-47 | The Empress , and AK-47 | Fuel Injector .

New Era – NaVi

The fifth case is for the legendary team.

We dedicated New Era to Natus Vincere. It features a sticker made in honor of the Ukrainian team, Sticker | Natus Vincere (Gold) | Rio 2022 , which will be a valuable addition to your weapon. Additionally, this case contains two knives: Karambit | Rust Coat and M9 Bayonet | Slaughter .

And that’s not all, as the case also includes AWP | Asiimov and other rare skins such as M4A1-S | Golden Coil , M4A1-S | Mecha Industries , AWP | Containment Breach , AWP | Oni Taiji .

Last CS Major – G2

And here is the last case that is part of our collection.

The Last CS Major case is dedicated to G2, and like all the previous cases, it includes Sticker | G2 Esports (Gold) | Antwerp 2022 r and other valuable items. In this case, some of the best skins are Butterfly Knife | Ultraviolet , Stiletto Knife | Blue Steel , and Skeleton Knife | Fade .

You will also find rare and beautiful skins like AK-47 | Gold Arabesque , AK-47 | Vulcan , AWP | Desert Hydra , and others that can enhance your collection.

How to Obtain Cases from IEM RIO Collection?

Log in to your profile on Hellcase and pick the case you want to open and how many times you want to do it. You can open anywhere from one to ten cases in one go. Then sit back and enjoy the opening animation while you wait to see what valuable items you have obtained. And you can keep opening another case that’s the same or choose a different one from IEM Rio collection.

Wrapping Up!

Our skins from unique cases will help you look fresh while giving you serious motivation and goals to strive for. So get ready to dominate with our exclusive skins! To stay up-to-date with our latest news and events, regularly check our blog for updates.

原文链接: /posts/iem-rio-collection-csgo-cases-by-hellcase

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