How much do M0nesy, Donk, and Zywoo earn?


how much do CS2 esports players earn

Analyst Mauisnake has estimated the salaries of pro players in top clubs. In most cases, he used insider information and his own assessments. The analyst assures that he is fully confident in the salary figures for Spirit and Furia, but his estimates for other clubs should also be close to the actual numbers. Former pro player Bubzkji assisted him with some teams.

Falcons have the highest payroll, while TheMongolz have the smallest. First, the analyst estimated the salaries of Furia players. According to his information, Fallen earns $35,000 per month, Kscerato and Yuurih earn about $27,500 each, Chelo earns $20,000, and the recently departed Kye earned only $13,000.

Spirit's payroll is much smaller. The most expensive player, Sh1ro, earns $25,000 per month. Mauisnake explains this by his status and transfer from the wealthy Cloud9. Next are Chopper and Magixx with $17,500 and $15,000, respectively. Zont1x and Donk earn around $30,000 between them. Coach Hally earns $12,000 per month.

Zywoo earns no less than $60,000 per month – this is the analysts' minimum estimate. Vitality also pays ApEX $40,000, and about $80,000 goes to the other three players and the coach.

Niko CS2 is one of the most underrated players in terms of salary. He earns no more than $35,000 per month, while the dismissed Hooxi earned no more than $11,000. M0nesy is still playing on his first contract, signed in early 2022. The organization's agreement with the former academy player didn't involve large numbers, so analysts had difficulty estimating his salary – they agreed on $17,500 per month.

Without S1mple, NAVI has a modest payroll: analysts believe that the entire team costs no more than $120,000 per month.

In the star team Faze, everything is good. On average, players earn $37,500 each.

Tabsen in BIG earns no less than $20,000, Krimbo's salary is $12,500, and syrsoN earns another $10,000. The lowest-paid player is academy player Prosus, with only $7,000 per month.

Dev1ce's salary in Astralis is around $45,000, with another $65,000 going to Jabbi and stavn, while Staehr and Br0 earn only $22,000 between them. Mauisnake calculated Astralis' salaries together with Bubzkji, a former club player, so the figures are likely close to reality.

Calculating the salaries in Falcons was very simple: all players and the coach earn $45,000 per month. However, despite being third in the HLTV rankings, Mouz's salaries are quite modest – $95,000 for everyone. It's no surprise, considering the core roster came from the club's academy.

The lowest salary is with TheMongolz. Analysts suggested that the entire roster costs no more than $30,000 per month – less than what Astralis spends on dev1ce or Vitality on Zywoo.

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