Dreamhack 达拉斯参展!我们很高兴在这里宣布,我们将会参与在达拉斯举办的Dreamhack活动!Dreamhack是一个大型的电子嘉年华盛事,包含了电子竞技比赛,业馀和高中游戏比赛之馀,同时还有世上最大的自带电脑(BYOC)局域网派对,角色扮演丶艺术丶活动丶展览丶放映等等。我们将会在北京时间6月2号到6月5号在Dreamhack 达拉斯上参展,届时将会为各位玩家带来更多资讯!转载请注明出处原文链接: /posts/dreamhack-da-la-si-can-zhan
2025-03-18farmskinsR8 Revolver vs Desert Eagle in CS2: A Detailed ComparisonThis article dives into why the R8 in CS2 may actually be the better choice, especially for players who can handle its left-click delay and capitalize on its strengths.
2025-03-17farmskinsHow a CS2 Beginner Plays on FACEITWhen beginners join FACEIT in Counter-Strike 2, they often face fierce competition and challenges. Let’s see how a CS2 beginner plays on FACEIT.
2025-03-17farmskinsUnderstanding hitboxes in CS2This article highlights the critical points of change regarding the CS2 hitbox, and how players could adapt.
2025-03-17farmskinsultimate’s Config and Settings in CS2When you talk about rising stars in the CS2 scene, Ultimate is a name that instantly stands out. Let’s dive into Ultimate’s CS2 config and settings—because who wouldn’t want to play like a pro?