
The world-renowned British Special Air Service (SAS) was founded in the Second World War by a man named David Stirling. They were a commando unit during WW2, responsible for intelligence gathering, sabotage, and assassination. After WWII, the British government turned the SAS into a Counter-Terrorism unit after the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre.




The gas mask-wearing design of the SAS seen throughout the series seems to be heavily influenced by the SAS's attire in the Iranian Embassy Siege, which had a big impact on the public image of the SAS and their depictions in medias after.

关于游戏中SAS的形象,其设定很大部分参考了上世纪八十年的伊朗使馆围攻战。SAS也正是自此由世人所熟知。黑色制服,防毒面罩以及防弹背心(black uniforms, gas masks, and kevlar vests)也在后期许多国内外影视作品中有所参考展示。





Go go go / Move it, move it / Let's go fellas / Move it, son / Let's move out. 标准开头

Let's have it, lads / Let's give it to them, boys. 我们要胜利,给他们失败

Come on come on, chop chop. 这里的chop chop属于美语表达,搞快点儿

Let's make this right as rain. 英式英语,英国多雨,好比下雨一般正常,这把有了

Remove any doubts in your head. It's us, or them. 无需迟疑,不是敌死,就是我亡

Remember, this isn't the killing house any more, this is real life. 这不是演习,来真的了

Remembwe, this is a bandit country, shoot everything that moves. 警说小镇是个匪图(大嘘),看见动的东西就射(扣钱警告)

Watch out, these boys have got a bit of an arsenal and they don't mind using it. arsenal意为军火库,指对面的家伙们个个全副武装。最重要的是他们还不介意来用其火拼

Let's show them who we are. 让对面康康我们是谁(literally nobody XD)

Are we rushing in, or are we going sneaky beaky like. RUSH大家应该都不陌生,主要是后面的 sneaky beaky like应该如何理解:sneak偷摸摸加y变形容词,beak本指鸟喙,这里加y是为了与前面押韵。意译过来就是我们是直接刚着冲还是偷着摸(就像鸟雀一样)同理还有回合结束时所说的Easy peasy, lemon squeezy,并无具体实意

Gear up, we aren't going on a windy walk here. windy walk既不属于正式表达也不属于习语,这里也是为了单纯的押前韵,意为快起长枪道具,我们不是来这旅游的

These fellas are gonna regret waking up this morning. 他们会后悔今天早上醒过来的(通宵熬什么夜)

They're gonna wish they were never born. 他们会后悔出生的

For queen country, men. 为了女王/为了国家

Gear up, we are going in. 整(xun)装(jie)待(chi)发(hou)




原文链接: /posts/csgozhong-saszai-kai-ju-wu-xian-dian-li-dao-di-shuo-liao-sha