b1t's Config and Settings in CS2


b1t's Config and Settings

During his relatively short career as a rifler for the Natus Vincere CS2 roster, b1t has managed to win nearly all major tournaments. Starting his career in the organization's academy team, the esports player quickly established himself as a player with an exceptional aim.

b1t has often been called the "second ScreaM" for his phenomenal headshot accuracy. In this article, we will look at b1t's settings that help him achieve high placements in tournaments and easily deal with his opponents.

b1t's Config in CS2

If you want to use b1t's current config, you can download it via the provided link. It’s important to understand that b1t’s config is his individual approach to the game and might not suit everyone. However, you can use b1t’s config as an example to adjust your own.

b1t's Sensitivity Settings in CS2

b1t is a key player for NAVI, known for his excellent shooting skills — not everyone can outduel Vakhovsky. Unlike snipers, the NAVI player doesn’t use very high mouse sensitivity, which makes it easier to control spray.

 b1t's Sensitivity Settings in CS2

b1t's Crosshair in CS2

One of the most important elements in a shooter’s settings is the crosshair code. b1t prefers a large yellow crosshair, which stands out against textures.

To create the same crosshair as b1t, copy the text below and paste it into the game settings:


How to Change Crosshair in CS2

b1t's Graphics Settings

b1t uses the standard resolution for many esports players — 1280x960. The esports player also set his graphics settings to achieve maximum FPS while maintaining good visibility of enemy models.

Graphics Settings in CS2 displayed on Farmskins

b1t's Viewmodel Settings in CS2

The Ukrainian esports player uses an unconventional hand positioning compared to other professional players in CS2.

viewmodel_fov 68; viewmodel_offset_x 2.5; viewmodel_offset_y 0; viewmodel_offset_z -1.5; viewmodel_presetpos 3; viewmodel_recoil 0; cl_righthand 1; 

b1t's Devices — Mouse, Headphones, and Keyboard in CS2

In esports, choosing the right device that suits you plays a key role in achieving your goals and enhancing your gaming experience. b1t also uses a carefully selected set of devices to stay at the top.

b1t's Devices for CS2 displayed on Farmskins

It's important to note that settings and devices are an individual approach to shooters for each esports player. Simply copying b1t’s prosettings won't guarantee winning two majors. However, you can always pick up interesting tips from various players to incorporate into your own config.

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